Qatar - Brazil Relations

The Diplomatic Relations between the State of Qatar and the Federative Republic of Brazil has been announced on the 5th of November 1974 followed by the inauguration of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in January 1997.
Since then the Bilateral Relations between the two countries has continuosly grown in different fields including political, cultural and sports, commercial and strong economic ties.
The visit of the high level delegation Headed by the Emir of the State of Qatar to Brazil on the 20th of January 2010, formed the cornerstone of the growth of the bilateral relations by signing 10 agreements between both countries during this visit, which covers various fields of cooperations.


  • An agreement was signed between the State of Qatar and Brazil for mutual exemption from entry visas for holders of ordinary passports between the governments of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Brazil on 10/28/2019, and entered into force on 12/28/2019.
  • A memorandum of understanding was signed regarding the establishment and operation of a Brazilian-Qatari fund for strategic cooperation to expand the production capacity of defense products on 10/28/2019.
  • Bilateral Air Services Agreement: It was signed on 10/28/2019 in Doha.
  • A memorandum of understanding in matters related to defense: It was signed on 10/28/2019 in the city of Doha.
  • A memorandum of understanding in the health field: it was signed on 10/28/2019 in the city of Doha.
  • Major International Events Agreement: It was signed on 10/28/2019 in Doha.
  • An agreement between the Diplomatic Institute and the Brazilian Rio Branco Institute: It was signed on 10/28/2019 in the city of Doha.
  • A memorandum of understanding has just passed between the city of Doha and the capital, Brasilia: It was signed in Doha on 03/24/2014.
  • Agreement to establish the Governmental Cooperation Committee (the joint committee between the two countries): It was signed in Brasilia on 01/20/2010 during the visit of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect him" to Brazil.
  • An agreement for bilateral political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries: The agreement was signed in Brasilia on 01/20/2010 during the visit of His Highness, the Father Emir, "may God protect him" to Brazil.
  • An agreement for economic, commercial and technical cooperation: It was signed in Brasilia on 01/20/2010 during the visit of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect him" to Brazil.
  • A memorandum to establish a joint business council between the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce: It was signed on 05/15/2010.
  • Memorandums of Understanding between Qatar Holding Company and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development, the Guarantee Fund for the Employees of the Bank of Brazil, and the Vale Mining Company: signed on January 20, 2010.
  • An agreement for sports cooperation: It was signed in Doha on 05/15/2010 during the visit of the former Brazilian President, Mr. Lula da Silva, to the State of Qatar.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Qatar Olympic Committee and the Brazilian Olympic Committee: It was signed on May 15, 2010 during the visit of the former Brazilian President, Mr. Lula da Silva, to the State of Qatar.
  • Tourism cooperation agreement between the two countries: It was signed on 05/15/2010.
  • A joint news cooperation agreement between the Qatar News Agency (QNA) and the Brazilian Agency for Communications (EBC): It was signed in Doha during the visit of the Brazilian President to the State of Qatar on 05/15/2010.
  • Agreement to exempt holders of diplomatic and private passports from entry visas: It was signed on 01/20/2010.
  • An agreement for cultural cooperation between the two countries: It was signed in Doha during the visit of the Brazilian President to the State of Qatar on 05/15/2010.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the National Library of the State of Qatar and the Arab-South American Library (Bibliaspa): signed on 05/15/2010
  • An agreement in the field of air transport between the two countries: It was signed on 01/20/2010.
  • Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation on Income from International Air Transport: It was signed on 01/20/2010, and the State of Qatar ratified it on 07/12/2010.


  • December 2010: His Excellency the former Minister of Development for Industry and Foreign Trade visited the State of Qatar.
  • March 2011:  His Excellency the former Minister of Foreign Relations, Mr. Antonio Patriota, visited the State of Qatar.
  • January 2014: The Governor General of the Federal District of Brasília, Mr. Agnillo Queiroz, visited Doha and signed a twinning agreement between Doha and the capital Brasilia
  • November 2014: His Excellency  the former Minister of Sports, Mr. Aldo Rebelo, visited Doha.
  • November 2014: The  former President Dilma Rousseff's visited Doha.
  • May/2016: visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fernando, to Doha.
  • December / 2016:  The visit of Parliamentarian / Carlos Maron and his meeting with His Excellency the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs to discuss ways to support bilateral relations between the two countries, especially in the field of investment.
  • May 2017: The visit of the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Blario Magi, and his meeting with His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Trade at the time, Sheikh / Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, with the aim of explaining Brazil's position on the issue of spoiled meat and thanking the State of Qatar for its position not to stop the import of Brazilian meat, in addition to discussing opportunities to enhance joint cooperation Especially in the field of food security.
  • November / 2017: The visit of Representative / Helio Jose - member of the Brazilian Senate, to Doha and his meeting with officials to discuss the latest developments in the region, especially the issue of the unjust blockade on the State of Qatar.
  • December  2017:  The visit of the former Brazilian Minister of Defense, His Excellency / Blario Magi, to the State of Qatar and his meeting with His Highness the Emir of the country, "may God protect him",  to discuss ways to develop bilateral relations between the two countries in the field of defense.
  • October 28, 2019: The visit of His Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the State of Qatar as part of his tour in the region, which also included Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  • The visit of His Excellency Jair Bolsonaro, President of the Federal Republic of Brazil to the State of Qatar on November 17, 2021, as part of his tour in the region.
  • The visit of His Excellency Jair Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the State of Qatar on October 28, 2019 as part of his tour in the region.
  • The visit of His Excellency Mr. Rodrigo Maya - Speaker of the Brazilian House of Representatives to Doha on 8/9/2019.
  • Based on the directives of the Amiri Diwan, a technical delegation was formed to visit Brazil to discuss investment and trade opportunities between the two countries. The delegation was formed, headed by the Director of the American Affairs Department and with the membership of: International Cooperation Department (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, General Tax Authority, Qatar Authority For investment, the delegation visited Brazil during the period from 25-27 September 2019.
  • The visit of His Excellency Ambassador / Kenneth Felix, Secretary of Bilateral Negotiations for the Middle East, Europe and Africa at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in April 2019 to hold the second round of political consultations.
  • The third round of political consultations was held between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and the Republic of Brazil, via video conference on 04/08/2021.
  • The fourth round of political consultations was held in Doha on 08/31/2022. The Qatari side was chaired by His Excellency Dr. Issa bin Muhammad Al-Mannai - Director of the American Affairs Department, and on the Brazilian side, His Excellency Ambassador / Kenneth Felix, Secretary of Bilateral Negotiations for the Middle East, Europe and Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazilian.


Visits from the Qatari side:

  • January 2010: On January 20 of the year 2010, an official visit of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect him" to Brazil, during which a number of agreements were signed.
  • May 2010: The visit of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al-Misned - the wife of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God preserve them" to the city of Rio de Janeiro, to participate in the third Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations. Her Highness also met with the then Brazilian President Lula da Silva.
  • December  2010: His Highness Sheikh / Abdullah bin Khalifa Al Thani participated in the inauguration ceremony of the former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in his capacity as the Special Adviser to His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect him".
  • November 2011: The visit of His Excellency / Saif bin Muqaddam Al-Buainain - Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the time, to head the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participating in the first meeting of political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries, within the framework of the political consultations agreement signed between the two countries,
  • February 2012: On February 9 of the year 2012, the visit of His Excellency the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, Dr. Khaled bin Muhammad Al-Attiyah, to Brasilia, to deliver a message from Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al-Misned - the wife of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect him" to the former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who was received by the then Vice President, Mr. Michel Tamer.
  • June 2012 : The visit of His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Muhammad Al-Attiyah - Minister of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, accompanied by His Excellency Mr. Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, to Rio de Janeiro to attend the Rio +20 Conference, which was held from 20 to 22 June 2012.
  • September 2013: The visit of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al-Misned - the wife of His Highness the Father Emir, "may God protect them", to the states of Rio de Janeiro and the states of Para, and held many meetings regarding some projects of the Qatar Foundation in Brazil.
  • December 2014: The visit of His Excellency Mr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs at the time, to attend the inauguration ceremony of former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff for her second term. The inauguration ceremony took place on 01-01-2015.
  • January 2015: His Excellency Mr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs at the time, representing the State of Qatar, participated in the inauguration ceremony of His Excellency Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, President of the Republic of Brazil in January 2015.
  • May 2017: Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari's visit to Brasilia during the period 17-19 May 2017, and a meeting with His Excellency the Assistant Secretary-General of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for International Cooperation and Culture, Mr. Santiago Mourao, as part of his election campaign for his candidacy for the post of Director-General of UNESCO.
  • October 2017: A commercial delegation from Qatar Development Bank visited the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Sao Paulo to discuss opportunities for trade cooperation between the two countries.
  • On September 26-27, 2019, an investment technical team headed by the Director of the American Affairs Department and consisting of: the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the General Tax Authority, the Qatar Investment Authority, visited the Department of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visit aimed to discuss investment opportunities and the obstacles facing Qatar to expand these investments by discussing two agreements that are important for expanding these opportunities, namely the double taxation agreement and the investment protection and promotion agreement, which is still under study.
  • His Excellency Sheikh / Mohammed bin Hamad Al Thani - Secretary of His Highness the Amir for Investment Affairs presented condolences to the family of the Brazilian football player "Pele" on 01/02/2023.
  • His Excellency Sheikh Fahd bin Faisal Al Thani attended the inauguration ceremony of Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva on 01/01/2023.